Zika Virus; the cause, symptoms and treatment

zika mosquito symptoms

zika mosquito symptoms

the world health organization (who) declaredthe zika virus and its suspected link to birth defects an international public health emergency,a rare move that signals the seriousness of the outbreak and gives countries new toolsto fight it. the who alert puts zika in the same categoryof concern as ebola zika virus is spread to people through mosquitobites. the most common symptoms of zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis(red eyes). the illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting from several days to a week.severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon. in may 2015, the pan american health organization(paho) issued an alert regarding the first

confirmed zika virus infection in brazil.the outbreak in brazil led to reports of pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defectsand poor pregnancy outcomes. as of now, no vaccine exists to prevent zikavirus disease. and, we can prevent zika by avoiding mosquitobites. mosquitoes that spread zika virus also spreaddengue and chikungunya viruses. these mosquitoes bite mostly during the daytime.

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