Zika Virus; the cause, symptoms and treatment

zika virus risk

zika virus risk

conduct aerial spray safely, for now, we're live on miami beach, gary nelson, cbs 4 news. let's continue our team coverage on miami beach, he joins us live with the focus on tourism and business. it's happening over here at the clevelander behind me, the

zika word is getting out throughout miami beach and the hotel operatives and restauranters, they're concerned about labor day coming and they're concerned about foreign visitors, they make up half of everybody who visit here on south beach.

foreign visitors make up a major part of the tourism to make up the sun and fun. foreign governments take notice. we found this lady from norway saying she was warned about south florida. they warned me about coming

here and going here, this was before i went to rio. the ex tension of the cluster area to miami beach is a blow to the $24.4 billion tourism industry. they've seen what the zika scare has done to wynwood. it's crippled traffic into the

arts and entertainment district. now, zika transmission in the heart of miami beach where half of the hotel rooms are located. it's alarming for the simple fact that i'm pregnant. the zika story is national and international news with the

cdc issuing a travel warning for pregnant women. the news traveled fast, but it not slow folks on the beach. i know it's spreading around and everything, we can't let that dictate your life, you have to live. that's the visitors, how

about the local hotel operators and owners. we have a lot of bookings for labor day, depend the cancellation, i received yesterday was for this coming monday, labor day is two weeks away, we'll see if any further cancellations coming.

okay, this is friday night on miami beach, there will probably be a crowd out here,

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