Zika Virus; the cause, symptoms and treatment

zika virus diagnosis

zika virus diagnosis

i'm gabe garza with today's health news. recently,a company developed a faster way to diagnose potential zika virus patients. however, thattest costs $500. now researchers at harvard have created a cost effective system to detectthe virus within hours. researchers have created a low-cost, fast, paper-based tool to diagnoseand screen blood, urine, and saliva of potential zika patients in the field. researchers saythe amazing thing about this tool is that it could be used to detect rna sequences ofebola, zika, sars, measles, influenza, hepatitis c and even the west nile fever. the team believesthis new tool could be used to combat future pandemics. lead researchers stated, "in responseto an emerging outbreak, [he envisions] a custom-tailored diagnostic system could beready for use within one week’s time. for

more information visit dailyrx.com.

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